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Reference FCO 37/869
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Pakistan: Annual review 1970
Date 1970-1971
Collection Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1965-1971
Region South Asia
Countries Pakistan, Bangladesh
Places Assam; Balochistan; Beijing; China; Chittagong; Delhi; Dhaka (Dacca); East Bengal; East Pakistan; France; Hyderabad; India; Iran; Islamabad; Kabul; Karachi; Kashmir; Lahore; London; Nepal; New York; North-West Frontier Province; Pakistan; Paris; Punjab; Rawalpindi; Sindh; Washington, DC; West Pakistan
People Abdul Qayyum Khan; Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, 14th Earl of Home; Khan, Liaquat Ali; Nehru, Jawaharlal ('Panditji'); Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur
Topics (Bangladesh) Awami League; agriculture; banking; British Government; Central Treaty Organisation (CENTO) (or Baghdad Pact); Christianity; commodities; communications; currency; economic aid; education; elections; exports; five-year plan; food; Green Revolution; Indian National Congress; Islam; labour; landlords; loans; migration; military; Muslim League; navy; nonalignment; oil; Pakistan Peoples Party; political parties; princely states; revolution; riots and disturbances; steel; trade; United Nations; war; women
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