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Reference FCO 45/1171
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: Student unrest in universities and colleges (Folder 1)
Date 1972
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1967-1975
Region Africa
Countries South Africa
Places Australia; Bonn; Canada; Cape Town; Durban; France; Harare (Salisbury); India; Ireland; Jersey; Johannesburg; Kenya; London; Luton; Namibia; Natal; New York; Ovamboland; Paris; Pietermaritzburg; Port Elizabeth; Pretoria; Rio de Janeiro; Sharpeville; Simonstown; South Africa; Soviet Union; Soweto; The Netherlands; Tokyo; Transkei; Transvaal; United Kingdom; United States of America; Washington; Witwatersrand; Zambia; Zululand
People Bailey, James Richard Abe; Buthelezi, Chief Gatsha; Callaghan, James; Cox, Alexander; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, Baron Home of the Hirsel; Foster, Peter M; Hain, Adelaine; Leon, Sonny; Paton, Alan Stewart; Smuts, Jan Christiaan; Suzman, Helen; Thorpe, Jeremy; Treurnicht, Andries; van der Merwe, Professor; Vorster, Balthazar Johannes ('John')
Topics Africans; Afrikaans; aid; Anglican church; Anti-Apartheid Movement; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arms embargo; army; arrest; arson; Asian; aviation; Bantu; British consulate; business; children; Christianity; citizenship; Commonwealth; communications; communism; constitution; court; defence; democracy; deportation; discrimination; education; embassy; emergency; employment; equality; execution; finance and investment; food; Foreign Office; House of Commons; Indians; labour; legislation; liberalism; metals; military; mining; National Party; National Union of South African Students; nationalism; nationality; oil; passes; police; politics; port; postal service; press; propaganda; property; protest; race; radio; railway; religion; revolution; sanctions; security; Sharpeville Massacre; South African Students' Organisation (SASO); sport; strike; students; terrorism; training; transport; trial; tribe; undesirables; United Party; violence; wages; war; Witwatersrand; women; Zulu
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