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Reference FCO 45/1905
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: Political situation in South African Homelands – Part A
Date 1976
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1976-1980
Region Africa
Countries South Africa
Places Angola; Australia; Berne; Bonn; Bophuthatswana; Botswana; Brussels; Canada; Cape Town; Caprivi Strip; Ciskei; Cyprus; Durban; France; Germany; India; Ivory Coast; Johannesburg; Kimberley; King William's Town; KwaZulu; Lebowa; Lesotho; Lome; London; Malawi; Mozambique; Nairobi; Namibia; Natal; Netherlands; New York; New Zealand; Nigeria; Orange Free State; Paris; Port Elizabeth; Portugal; Pretoria; Robben Island; Rome; Senegal; South Africa; Soviet Union; Soweto; Swaziland; Taiwan; The Hague; Transkei; Transvaal; Umtata (Mthatha); United Kingdom; United States of America; Venda; Vienna; Vryburg; Washington; Witwatersrand; Zimbabwe; Zululand
People Buthelezi, Chief Gatsha; Callaghan, James; Crosland, Anthony; Mandela, Nelson; Mangope, Chief Lucas; Matanzima, Chief Kaiser; Matanzima, George M M; Phatudi, Cedric Namedi; Smuts, Jan Christiaan; Wall, Patrick
Topics African National Congress; Africans; Afrikaans; aid; annexation; Anti-Apartheid Movement; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arms embargo; arrest; Bantu; border; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); British Empire; citizenship; Colonial Office; colony; Coloured Persons’ Representative Council (CPRC); Commonwealth; communications; communism; constitution; contract; defence; diamonds; diplomacy; education; embassy; finance and investment; foreign affairs; gold; High Commission Territory; House of Commons; housing; independence; Inkatha Freedom Party; labour; legislation; metals; military; nationalism; pension; politics; port; Portuguese; postal service; press; prisoner; protectorate; railway; recruitment; refugee; religion; revolution; sabotage; security; self-government; shipping; South-West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO); strike; students; trade; training; Treasury; treaty; tribe; United Nations; violence; war; welfare; Witwatersrand; Xhosa; Zulu
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