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Reference FCO 45/2097
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: Riots, demonstrations and unrest in South Africa
Date 1977
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1976-1980
Region Africa
Countries South Africa
Places Angola; Bloemfontein; Brussels; Cape Town; Carletonville; Ciskei; Durban; India; Ireland; Johannesburg; KwaZulu; Langa; Lebowa; Lesotho; London; Namibia; Pietersburg (Polokwane); Port Elizabeth; Pretoria; Sharpeville; South Africa; Soweto; Transvaal; Venda; Vereeniging; Witwatersrand; Yemen
People Buthelezi, Chief Gatsha; Cox, Alexander; Joseph, Helen; Naudé, Reverend Christiaan Frederick Beyers; Suzman, Helen; Vorster, Balthazar Johannes ('John')
Topics Africans; Anglican church; apartheid; arms and ammunition; army; arrest; arson; aviation; Bantu; bombs and explosives; British consulate; Catholicism; children; Christian Institute; Christianity; communications; communism; crime; death; defence; education; election; embassy; emergency; employment; equality; family; housing; human rights; independence; Indians; Inkatha Freedom Party; internal affairs; labour; legislation; metals; military; mining; National Party; passes; police; politics; port; postal service; press; property; protest; race; race relations; railway; religion; sanctions; security; self-government; sexual relations; Sharpeville Massacre; shipping; Soweto Students’ Representative Council (SSRC); students; suicide; terrorism; township; trade; training; transport; trial; tribe; United Nations; violence; wages; war; Witwatersrand; women
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