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Reference FO 1110/1811
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: Revised Requirements and Distribution Arrangements, Communist Propaganda Circulating in High Commission Territories, Visit of Mr J B Ure (Information Research Department) to South Africa
Notes Retained extracts: PR 10201/6 letter of 25/6/64 and draft, and letter of 22/7/64; PR 10201/33 whole jacket. Retained by Department under Section 3.4 and not available.
Date 1964
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
Region Africa
Countries South Africa
Places Beijing (Peking); Belgium; Botswana; Cape Town; China; Cuba; Dar-es-Salaam; Delhi; Durban; Germany; Ghana; Indonesia; Japan; Johannesburg; Korea; Laos; Leopoldville; Lesotho; London; Mafeking; Malaysia; Maseru; Mbabane; Moscow; Namibia; Poland; Pretoria; Rivonia; Russia; South Africa; Swaziland; Taiwan; United States of America
People Campbell, Archie; De Guingand, Sir Francis; First, Ruth; Fischer, Abram; Healey, Denis; Herbert-Jones, Hugo; McDonald Gordon, D; Oppenheimer, Harry; Rosling, P E; Suzman, Helen; Ure, J B; Wilson, John
Topics Act of Parliament; African National Congress; Africans; Afrikaans; aid; apartheid; Asian; Bantu; border; British Consulate; Chinese; Christianity; Colonial Office; colony; communications; Communism; contract; customs; defence; diplomacy; education; election; embassy; foreign affairs; Foreign Office; gold; independence; legislation; metals; nationalism; NATO; police; politics; press; propaganda; Protectorate; religion; revolution; Rivonia; security; shipping; strike; students; trial; United Nations; violence; war
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