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Reference FO 262/1869
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Japan and China: Relations between
Date 1934
Collection Foreign Office files for Japan, 1931-1945; Foreign Office Files for China, 1930-1937
Region East Asia
Countries Japan; China
Places Beijing; China; Fujian; Fuzhou; Guandong; Guangdong; Guangzhou; Hong Kong; Japan; Jiangxi; Kwantung Leased Territory; Manchukuo; Nanchang; Nanjing; Qingdao; Shanghai; Shantou; Soviet Union; Taiwan; Tokyo; United Kingdom; Xiamen
People Chiang Kai-shek; Feng Yu-xiang; Lampson, Miles (1st Baron Killearn); Lindley, Francis O; Teichman, Eric
Topics aircraft; ambassador; army; banks; business; civil war; coal; communications; communism; conference; consulate; customs; economy; embassy; financial aid; hospitals; League of Nations; media; migration; military; passengers; police; population; press; production; propaganda; radio; shipping; smuggling; sugar; trade; trafficking; training; war; weapons
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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