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Reference FO 262/1902
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Far Eastern Problems
Date 1935
Collection Foreign Office files for Japan, 1931-1945; Foreign Office Files for China, 1930-1937
Region East Asia
Countries Japan
Places Australia; Beijing; Belgium; Burma; Canada; China; Dalian; Dutch East Indies; East Asia; Egypt; France; Germany; Guam; Guandong; Guangdong; Guangzhou; Hawaii; Hong Kong; India; Inner Mongolia; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Java; Jehol; Jiangxi; Kobe; Korea; Kwantung Leased Territory; London; Malaya; Manchukuo; Manchuria; Manila; Mongolia; Mukden; Nanjing; Netherlands; New York, United States; New Zealand; Outer Mongolia; Penghu islands; Philippines; Poland; Shandong; Shanghai; Shenyang; Sichuan; Singapore; South Africa; Soviet Union; Taiwan; Thailand; Tokyo; Turkestan; Turkey; United Kingdom; United States; Xinjiang; Yokohama; Zhenjiang
People Baldwin, Stanley, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley; Cadogan, Alexander; Chamberlain, Sir (Joseph) Austen; Chang Tso-lin (Zhang Zuolin); Chiang Kai-shek; Clive, Robert Henry; Clive, Sir Robert; Eden, Anthony; He Yingqin; Hilter, Adolf; Hirota, Kōki; Hoare, Samuel; Kerr, Philip; Kung, H H; Lampson, Miles (1st Baron Killearn); Lattimore, Owen; Lindley, Francis O; Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor; Macmillan, Harold; Owen, David; Simon, John Allsebrook; Song Ziwen (Soong Tse-ven, or T V Soong); Sun Yat-sen; Wang Jingwei; Willingdon, 1st Marquess of (Freeman Freeman-Thomas)
Topics agriculture; aid; aircraft; Allies; ambassador; Anglo-Japanese relations; Anglo-United States relations; anti-foreign feeling; army; assassination; banks; bomb; bonds; Boxer Indemnity; boycotts; brigandage; British Empire; business; celebrations; Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang); civil war; climate; communications; communism; concession; conference; consulate; cotton; crime; cruiser; culture; currency; customs; debt; defence; deportation; disarmament; dock; economic growth; embassy; employment; engineers; exports; famine; finance; financial aid; fishing; flooding; gas; gold reserve; housing; Imperial Rule Assistance Association; imperialist; import; independence; industry; investment; iron; Japanese Government; Japanese yen; judicial system; Kellogg-Briand Pact; labour; lead; League of Nations; literature; media; memorial; migration; military; military occupation; mining; Minister of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Welfare; missionaries; missionary; monarchy; navigation; navy; neutrality; oil; Open Door policy; opium; passengers; peace conference; peasants; police; population; poverty; press; priest; Prime Minister; production; propaganda; protest; railway; rayon yarn; rebellions; recognition; religion; resistance; revolution; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; Shell Oil Company; shipping; ships; smuggling; socialism; steel; sugar; taxation; tea; telegraphs; tin; tobacco; trade; trafficking; training; treaties; uniform; United Nations; war; water; weapons
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