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Reference FO 262/2015
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title North China incident Vol. 3
Date 1938
Collection Foreign Office files for Japan, 1931-1945; Foreign Office Files for China, 1930-1937
Region East Asia
Countries Japan
Places Afghanistan; Beijing; Belgium; Burma; Changsha; China; Chongqing; France; Fujian; Guandong; Guangdong; Guangzhou; Hangzhou; Hankou; Hefei; Hong Kong; Inner Mongolia; Japan; Kobe; Korea; Kwantung Leased Territory; London; Mongolia; Moscow; Mukden; Nanjing; Netherlands; New York, United States; Ningpo; Ningxia; Osaka; Poland; Shaanxi; Shandong; Shanghai; Shanhaikuan; Shantou; Shenyang; Sichuan; Singapore; Soviet Union; Sweden; Taiwan; Tokyo; Turkey; United Kingdom; United States; Wuhan; Wuhu; Xinjiang; Yangon; Yangtze River; Yokohama; Yunnan; Zhejiang; Zhenjiang
People Bai Chongxi; Cadogan, Alexander; Chiang Kai-shek; Craigie, Robert; Eden, Anthony; Hirota, Kōki; Knatchbull-Hugessen, Hughe; Leith-Ross, Sir Frederick William; Sun Fo; Yan Xishan
Topics aid; aircraft; Allies; ambassador; ammunition; Anglo-Japanese relations; Anglo-United States relations; army; banks; blockade; boycotts; business; celebrations; chamber of commerce; Chinese Communist Party; Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang); Christianity; coal; communications; communism; Communist Party; consulate; culture; currency; customs; defence; deportation; embassy; employment; engineers; evacuation; execution; exports; finance; financial aid; guns; Holy See; hospitals; housing; Imperial Rule Assistance Association; import; industry; intelligence; invasion; Japanese Government; Japanese yen; Jewish; kidnapping; labour; lead; League of Nations; local administration; media; military; military law; military occupation; Minister of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Information; murder; navy; neutrality; oil; peace talks; petroleum; police; population; press; protest; radio; railway; recognition; refugees; reparations; resistance; rice; salt; sanctions; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; shipping; ships; Sino-Japanese War; strikes; submarine; tank; taxation; tea; telegraphs; tin; trade; training; treaties; uniform; war; weapons; women
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