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Reference FO 371/101137
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title French possessions in India; Nehru's insistence that Pondicherry would eventually become part of India
Date 1952
Collection Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1964
Region South Asia
Countries India, France
Places Chandannagar (Chandernagore); Chennai (Madras); China; Colombo; Delhi; France; Goa; India; Karachi; Karaikal (Karikal); Kolkata (Calcutta); Lisbon; London; Mayyazhi (Mahé); Mumbai (Bombay); Pakistan; Paris; Portugal; Puducherry (Pondicherry); Yanam
People Clutterbuck, Sir Alexander; Eden, Sir Anthony, 1st Earl of Avon; Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma); Nehru, Jawaharlal ('Panditji'); Nye, Sir Archibald; Prasad, Rajendra; Rajagopalachari, C.; Salisbury, 5th Marquess of (Robert Gascoyne-Cecil); Tandon, Purushottam Das
Topics army; banking; British Empire; British Government; business; caste; Catholicism; Christianity; communism; consular representation; customs; economic aid; elections; food; Hinduism; independence; Indian National Congress; international border; Islam; judicial system; labour; language; migration; military; nationalism; oil; parliament; political parties; propaganda; Protestantism; railway; Raj; refugees; riots and disturbances; roads; satyagraha (non-violent resistance); Scheduled Castes (Untouchables); socialism; trade; transport; United Nations; war; weapons; women
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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