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Reference FO 371/12468
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title China: Compensation for consular officers for loss of property; claims against Chinese government; Central Registry of Claims at Shanghai; Nanking incident; evacuation of Kuling; Victoria Hotel, Shameen; destruction at Chungking; murder of Mr Smith
Date 1927
Collection Foreign Offices Files for China, 1919-1929
Region East Asia
Countries China
Places Beidaihe; Beijing; Changsha; Chongqing; Fuzhou; Guangzhou; Hankou; Hong Kong; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Jiangxi; Jiujiang; London; Lushan; Nanjing; Ningbo; Pukou; Shaanxi; Shamian Island; Shanghai; Shanxi; Singapore; Soviet Union; Tianjin; United Kingdom; United States; Wuhan; Wuzhou; Yangtze River; Yangzhou; Yichang; Yili; Zhangjiakou; Zhenjiang
People Chamberlain, Sir (Joseph) Austen; Lampson, Miles (1st Baron Killearn); Macleay, Sir James; Owen, David
Topics anti-foreign feeling; Asiatic Petroleum Company; atrocities; banks; bonds; brigandage; business; Canton-Hankow Railway; Chinese Maritime Customs; civil disturbances; civil war; coal; concession; conference; consulate; cotton; currency; customs; debt; defence; evacuation; exports; extraterritoriality; financial aid; fish; flooding; Health; iron; judicial system; Minister of Foreign Affairs; murder; navigation; occupation; oil; opium; People's Liberation Army; ports; post office; press; railways; refugees; revolution; riots; Royal Air Force; salt; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; shipping; steel; sterling; strikes; sugar; taxation; tea; telegraphs; tobacco; trade; treaties; United Nations; war; water; women
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