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Reference FO 371/161945
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: UN General Assembly: Debate About Apartheid, November-December 1962. (Folder 3)
Date 1962
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
Region Africa
Countries South Africa
Places Accra; Argentina; Australia; Bangkok; Belgium; Botswana; Brazil; Brussels; Canada; Canberra; China; Colombo; Copenhagen; Cuba; Cyprus; Delhi; Denmark; Dominican Republic; Dublin; Ethiopia; France; Germany; Ghana; Hague; India; Indonesia; Iran; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Kingston; Lagos; Liberia; Lisbon; London; Malawi; Mexico; Namibia; Netherlands; New York; Nigeria; Norway; Oslo; Ottawa; Pakistan; Paris; Port of Spain; Portugal; Pretoria; Rio de Janeiro; Rome; Salisbury; San Francisco; Senegal; Sharpeville; South Africa; Spain; Sri Lanka; Stockholm; Tel Aviv; Thailand; Tokyo; United Kingdom; United States of America; Washington; Wellington; Zimbabwe
People Acland, A A; Brockway, Fenner; Caccia, Sir Harold; Campbell, Archie; Carpio, Dr Victorio; Castle, Barbara; Dean, Sir Patrick; Elam, J N; Foster, Peter M; Maud, Sir John; Millard, G E; Ormsby-Gore, Sir David, 5th Baron Harlech; Scott, Michael; Scrymgeour-Wedderburn, Henry James, 11th Earl of Dundee; Stephenson, Sir Hugh; Stevens, Sir Roger; Wall, Patrick; Wright, Sir D
Topics Act of Parliament; Africans; Afrikaans; aid; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arms embargo; Asian; aviation; border; business; children; Chinese; Christianity; Colonial Office; colony; Commonwealth; Commonwealth Relations Office; communications; constitution; court; crime; customs; death; defence; democracy; diplomacy; discrimination; education; embassy; emergency; equality; exports; finance and investment; food; foreign affairs; Foreign Office; health; House of Commons; housing; Human Rights; imports; independence; Indians; industry; intelligence; internal affairs; labour; legislation; metals; military; NATO; Navy; Pan Africanist Congress; police; port; press; Protectorate; protest; race; radio; religion; revolution; sabotage; sanction; security; sexual relations; Sharpeville; shipping; strike; sugar; trade; United Nations; United Party; violence; war; water; welfare; women
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