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Reference FO 371/167533
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: Export of Arms to South Africa: Proposed Sale of Buccaneer Aircraft to South Africa
Date 1963
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
Region Africa, Europe
Countries South Africa; United Kingdom
Places Addis Ababa; Bamako; Bangkok; Beirut; Belgrade; Bonn; Brazzaville; Brussels; Buenos Aires; Cairo; Canada; Cape Town; Caracas; Conakry; Dakar; Durban; France; Geneva; Jakarta; Japan; Johannesburg; Khartoum; Leopoldville; Lisbon; Lome; London; Madrid; Mexico; Mexico City; Monrovia; Namibia; New York; Paris; Pretoria; Rabat; Rio de Janeiro; Rome; Simonstown; Singapore; South Africa; Tananarive; Tokyo; United Kingdom; United States of America; Washington; Yaounde
People Elam, J N; Foster, Peter M; McDonald Gordon, D; Scrymgeour-Wedderburn, Henry James, 11th Earl of Dundee; Stevens, Sir Roger
Topics Act of Parliament; Admiralty; Africans; arms and ammunition; aviation; communications; contract; court; defence; diplomacy; embassy; emergency; exports; Foreign Office; industry; insurance; labour; legislation; military; NATO; Navy; port; press; protest; security; shipping; trade; training; Treasury; United Nations; violence; war
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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