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Reference FO 371/167541
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: Internal Security Operations: Rivonia Sabotage Trial of ANC leaders, Including Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu; Paarl Enquiry Report; Goodwood Regional Court Trial of 31 Africans; PAC/Poqo Trials in the Western Cape; Statement by Tambo; Rivonia Trial Press Cuttings and Document; Trial of Constable Johannes Arnoldus Greeff who Helped Goldreich and Three Others Escape from Marshall Square Police Station in Johannesburg
Notes Please note: This file contains images some may find disturbing.
Date 1963
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
Region Africa
Countries South Africa
Places Australia; Barcelona; Botswana; Cairo; Cape Town; Dar-es-Salaam; Durban; Ethiopia; France; Geneva; Ghana; Guinea; Hague; India; Johannesburg; Kenya; Langa; Lesotho; Liberia; Livingstone; Lobatsi; London; Maritzburg; Maseru; Morocco; Namibia; New York; Pondoland; Port Elizabeth; Pretoria; Rivonia; Roodepoort; Rustenburg; Sharpeville; South Africa; Transkei; Transvaal; Uitenhage; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vereeniging; Washington; Wellington
People Benenson, Peter; Blaxall, Dr Arthur; Brutus, Dennis; Caccia, Sir Harold; Chiba, Laloo; de Alva, Dr Salvador Martinez; Dean, Sir Patrick; First, Ruth; Fischer, Abram; Foster, Peter M; Ganyile, Anderson; Goldreich, Arthur; Greeff, Johannes Arnoldus; Harmel, Michael; Hepple, Alex; Hodgson, Jack; Kantor, James; Kathrada, Ahmed; Kausana, Mbiriora; Mandela, Nelson; Martin, Vice-Admiral Sir John; Matanzima, Chief Kaiser; Mbeki, Govan; McDonald Gordon, D; Nokwe, Duma; Resha, Robert; Rosling, P E; Sisulu, Walter; Slovo, Joe; Sobukwe, Robert; Stephenson, Sir Hugh; Stevens, Sir Roger; Tambo, Oliver Reginald; van den Berg, General Maritz
Topics 90 Day Detainee; Act of Parliament; Admiralty; African National Congress; Africans; Afrikaans; agriculture; aid; Amnesty International; Anti-Apartheid Movement; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arrest; arson; Asian; aviation; Bantu; bombs and explosives; border; British Consulate; business; charity; children; Chinese; Colonial Office; communications; Communism; constitution; court; customs; death; defence; democracy; deportation; education; election; embassy; emergency; employment; equality; family; food; foreign affairs; Foreign Office; fugitives; gold; health; housing; Human Rights; independence; Indians; industry; intelligence; interrogation; labour; legislation; liberalism; metals; military; mining; nationalism; nationality; Navy; Nazis; Paarl; Pan Africanist Congress; police; politics; Poqo; port; Portuguese; press; prisoner; propaganda; property; protest; public service; race; radio; railway; recruitment; Red Cross; religion; revolution; Rivonia; Russians; sabotage; sanction; security; sexual relations; Sharpeville; strike; Tembu; terrorism; township; training; Treasury; treaty; trial; tribe; Umkhonto we Sizwe; United Nations; United Party; violence; wages; war; water; welfare; women; Xhosa
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