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FO 371/175920
Foreign Office
China's foreign policy - increased activity by Zhou Enlai visit overseas [includes tapes of Chou en lai speech in Chinese, English and Arabic at 1022/6], January - February 1964 (Folder 2)
Foreign Office Files for China, 1957-1966
East Asia
Australia; Beijing; Burma; Cambodia; Czechoslovakia; East Asia; Germany; Hainan; Hefei; Hong Kong; India; Japan; Kinmen; Korea; Ladakh; Laos; Lasa; London; Macau; Malaya; Moscow; Panmunjom; Soviet Union; Sri Lanka; Taiwan; Taiwan Strait; Tibet; United Kingdom; United States; Vietnam; Washington DC; Xinjiang; Yan'an; Yili
Abboud, Ibrahim; Addis, Sir John; Ben Bella , Mohamed Ahmed; Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali; Castro, Fidel; Chang Yu-Yu; Chen Yi; Chiang Kai-shek; Dulles, John Foster; Eisenhower, Dwight D; Guo Moruo; Ho Lung; Huang Hua; Kenzo Matsumura; Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich; Liao Cheng-chih; Lin Biao; Liu Po-cheng; Liu Ya-lou; Lumumba, Patrice; Malenkov, Georgy; Mao Zedong; Mikoyan, Anastas; Modibo Keïta; Nehru, Jawaharlal; Ngo Dinh Diem; Nieh Jung-chen; Peng Dehuai; Peng Zhen; Po I-po; Puyi; Sihanouk, Norodom; Soong Ch'ing-ling; Stalin, Joseph; Su Yu; Sun Yat-sen; Truman, Harry S; Yeh Chien-ying; Youde, Sir Edward; Zhou Enlai
agriculture; aircraft; blockade; bonds; business; celebrations; Central Peoples Government; Chinese Communist Party; Chinese foreign policy; Chinese Nationalists; commune; communications; communism; Communist Party; Communist Party of the Soviet Union; conference; cotton; counter-revolutionary; culture; defence; economy; education; embassy; fish; Five Year Plan; foreign aid; Great Leap Forward; Guomindang; Health; Housing; imperialist; industry; investment; iron; Korean War; labour; literature; military aid; Minister of Foreign Affairs; oil; opium; People's Daily; People's Liberation Army; People's Republic of China; poverty; press; production; propaganda; recognition; Red Flag; religion; revolution; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; shipping; Sino-Indian Border War; Sino-Soviet relations; socialism; Sputnik; steel; sugar; technology; Tibetan Rebellion; trade; trade unions; United Nations; Vietminh; water; women
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