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FO 371/177118
Foreign Office
South Africa: Anti-Aparthied Activists Fleeing South Africa: Case of Randolph Vigne; Mr and Mrs Mutch; Robert Watson; Kidnapping of Dennis Higgs from Northern Rhodesia and his Reappearance in South Africa. Conversations with Dr Muller about the Higgs Case. Press Comments
Previously closed extract now released and reunited with parent piece, 1 January 2005.
Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
South Africa; Zambia
Botswana; Bulawayo; Burma; Canada; Cape Town; Dar-es-Salaam; Entebbe; Ireland; Johannesburg; Kampala; Katanga; Lesotho; Livingstone; London; Lusaka; Mafeking; Malawi; Maritzburg; Maseru; Mbabane; Nairobi; Namibia; Netherlands; New York; Orange Free State; Oslo; Ottawa; Oxford; Port Elizabeth; Pretoria; Rivonia; Rome; Salisbury; South Africa; Swaziland; Tanzania; Transvaal; United Kingdom; Washington; Witwatersrand; Zambia; Zimbabwe
Abrahams, Dr Kenneth; Brockway, Fenner; Caccia, Sir Harold; Campbell, Archie; Goldreich, Arthur; Harrison, Sir Geoffrey; Higgs, Dennis; Hjul, Peter; Keevy, Lieutenant-General J M; Maurice, D G; McDonald Gordon, D; Morrison, John, Lord Dunrossil; Smuts, General Jan Christiaan; Snodgrass, J M O; Steele, Anthony; Stephenson, Sir Hugh; Vigne, Randolph; Watson, Robert; Wentzel, Rosemary; Wilson, John
abduction; Act of Parliament; African National Congress; Africans; Afrikaans; aid; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arrest; asylum; aviation; Bantu; bombs and explosives; border; British Consulate; business; children; Colonial Office; colony; Commonwealth; Commonwealth Relations Office; communications; Communism; contract; court; crime; customs; death; defence; education; embassy; emergency; employment; execution; extradition; family; foreign affairs; Foreign Office; fugitives; health; immigration; independence; Indians; intelligence; internal affairs; interrogation; labour; legislation; liberalism; metals; nationality; oil; passes; police; politics; port; Portuguese; press; property; Protectorate; protest; radio; railway; refugee; religion; revolution; Rivonia; Russians; sabotage; security; South West Africa People's Organization; terrorism; township; training; treaty; trial; United Nations; violence; war; Witwatersrand
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