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Reference FO 371/18120
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title China: Chinese affairs in Malaya (Folder 1)
Date 1934
Collection Foreign Office Files for China, 1930-1937
Region East Asia
Countries China, Malaysia
Places Anhui; Australia; Beijing; Burma; Canada; France; Fujian; Fuzhou; Germany; Guandong; Guangdong; Guangxi; Guangzhou; Guizhou; Haikou; Hainan; Hankou; Hefei; Henan; Hong Kong; Hubei; Hunan; India; Inner Mongolia; Italy; Japan; Jehol Province; Jiangsu; Jiangxi; Jinan; Korea; Kwantung Leased Territory; Liaoning; London; Lushan; Macau; Malaya; Manchukuo; Manchuria; Mongolia; Moscow; Mukden; Nanjing; Netherlands; Qiongshan; Rangoon; Sarawak; Shandong; Shanghai; Shantou; Shenyang; Sichuan; Singapore; South Africa; Soviet Union; Taiwan; Thailand; Tianjin; Tibet; Tokyo; United Kingdom; United States; Vietnam; Washington DC; Wuhan; Xiamen; Xi'an; Xinjiang; Yunnan; Zhejiang; Zhenjiang
People Chang Chun; Chang Tso-lin (Zhang Zuolin); Chen Jiongming; Chen Ming-shu; Chen Shao-yu (pen name Wang Ming); Chen, Eugene; Chiang Kai-shek; Duang Qirui; Feng Yu-xiang; Guo Moruo; Hu Shih; Koo, Wellington (Koo Wei-chün); Kung, H. H.; Li Zongren; Liao Zhongkai; Lin Sen; Mao Zedong; Puyi; Song Ziwen (Soong Tse-ven, or T. V. Soong); Soong Ch'ing-ling; Stalin, Joseph; Sun Fo; Sun Yat-sen; Wang Jingwei; Wang Zhengting; Wu Peifu; Zhang Qun; Zhu De
Topics agriculture; aircraft; banks; blockade; bombing; bonds; boycotts; business; celebrations; censorship; Central People's Government; chamber of commerce; China Merchants Steam Navigation Company; Chinese Communist Party; Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang); Christianity; civil war; coal; communications; communism; Communist Party; conference; consulate; cotton; currency; customs; debt; defence; deportation; economy; education; elections; emigration; famine; finances; financial aid; fish; flooding; Health; hospitals; housing; immigration; imperialist; industry; intelligence; iron; judicial system; labour; League of Nations; literature; local administration; migration; Minister of Education; Minister of Finance; Minister of Foreign Affairs; Minister of Interior; National People's Congress; navigation; newspapers; occupation; oil; peasants; People's Liberation Army; police; ports; poverty; press; production; propaganda; railways; rebellions; recognition; refugees; relief work; religion; revolution; Royal Air Force; salt; Secretary of State; shipping; socialism; strikes; taxation; tobacco; trade; trade unions; treaties; war; water; weapons; women
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