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FO 371/182075
Foreign Office
South Africa: Political Relations with US
Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
Africa, North America
South Africa; United States
Addis Ababa; Bloemfontein; Botswana; Cairo; Cape Town; Chicago; Durban; Gaborone; Guinea; Hague; Japan; Lesotho; London; Los Angeles; Nairobi; Namibia; Netherlands; New York; Pakistan; Port Elizabeth; Pretoria; Rome; Salisbury; Sharpeville; South Africa; Swaziland; Tanzania; Transkei; Transvaal; United Kingdom; United States of America; Washington; Zambia
Acland, A A; Broadley, J K E; Bryan, D A; Campbell, Archie; Campbell, Waldo; Dean, Sir Patrick; Edwards, Marcus; Elam, J N; Foot, Hugh, Baron Caradon; Gordon, Donald; Harrison, Sir Geoffrey; Jackling, Roger; Kennedy, Robert; Khama, Sir Seretse; Killick, John E; Le Quesne, C M; Luthuli, Albert John; McDonald Gordon, D; Nielsen, Waldemar; Ntlabati, Reverend Gladstone; Satterthwaite, Joseph C; Stephenson, Sir Hugh; Stewart, Michael; Tambo, Oliver Reginald; Thant, U; Walker, Hugh; Wilson, John
Act of Parliament; African National Congress; Africans; Afrikaans; aid; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arms embargo; aviation; border; Broederbond; business; Chinese; Christianity; citizenship; Colonial Office; communications; Communism; court; customs; death; defence; diplomacy; education; election; embassy; emergency; employment; entertainment; equality; exports; finance and investment; food; foreign affairs; Foreign Office; gold; Human Rights; imports; independence; industry; legislation; metals; military; National Party; National Union of South African Students; Navy; oil; Organisation of African Unity; Pan Africanist Congress; passes; port; press; protest; race; railway; religion; sanction; security; Sharpeville; strike; students; tourism; trade; Treasury; United Nations; United Party; war; water; welfare; women; Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; World Bank; Zulu
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