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Reference FO 371/188137
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: Refugees
Date 1966
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
Region Africa
Countries South Africa
Places Afghanistan; Angola; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Bolivia; Botswana; Brazil; Burma; Canada; Cape Town; China; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dar-es-Salaam; Denmark; Dominican Republic; Egypt; Ethiopia; Finland; France; Francistown; Gaborone; Geneva; Germany; Ghanzi; Greece; Guinea; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Japan; Jordan; Kasane; Kenya; Korea; Laos; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Lisbon; Livingstone; Lobatsi; London; Lusaka; Maseru; Maun; Mbabane; Mexico; Moscow; Mozambique; Nairobi; Namibia; Natal; Netherlands; New York; New Zealand; Norway; Pakistan; Panama; Poland; Portugal; Prague; Pretoria; Russia; Saudi Arabia; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Stockholm; Swaziland; Sweden; Switzerland; Syria; Tanzania; Thailand; Transvaal; United Kingdom; United States of America; Wellington; Yemen; Zambia
People Campbell, Archie; Cunningham, George; Edwards, Marcus; Jonathan, Chief Leabua; Mondlane, Mario; Nokwe, Duma; Tambo, Oliver Reginald; Walston, Lord Henry
Topics abduction; Act of Parliament; African National Congress; Africans; agriculture; apartheid; arrest; Asian; asylum; border; British Consulate; business; children; Colonial Office; colony; Commonwealth; Commonwealth Relations Office; communications; Communism; constitution; court; crime; customs; death; deportation; discrimination; education; embassy; emergency; employment; execution; family; finance and investment; foreign affairs; Foreign Office; health; housing; Human Rights; immigration; independence; industry; insurance; interrogation; labour; legislation; marriage; nationality; Organisation of African Unity; Pan African Freedom Movement; Pan Africanist Congress; passes; pension; police; politics; Portuguese; propaganda; property; race; recruitment; refugee; religion; sabotage; sanction; security; self-government; sexual relations; South West Africa People's Organization; strike; trade; training; treaty; trial; tribe; United Nations; violence; war; welfare; women
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