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Reference FO 371/19255
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title China: Tibetan situation; journey of Tashi Lama and Panchan Lama; transit of Chinese and Tibetan goods to India; disorder in Sianking and British claims of property loss; General Liu Pin; US and British policy in China; claims against China for attack on Kashgar consulate 1934
Date 1935
Collection Foreign Office Files for China, 1930-1937
Region East Asia
Countries China, Tibet, India, United Kingdom, United States
Places Beijing; Burma; Changsha; Gansu; Gyantse; Hefei; India; Japan; Kashgar; Ladakh; Lhasa; London; Manchuria; Mongolia; Moscow; Nanjing; Outer Mongolia; Qinghai; Rangoon; Soviet Union; Sweden; Tengyue; Tibet; Turkestan; United Kingdom; United States; Ürümqi; Xinjiang; Yunnan; Zhenjiang
People Acheson, Dean G.; Alston, Sir Beilby; Cadogan, Alexander; Curzon, George, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston; Lampson, Miles (1st Baron Killearn); Lattimore, Owen; Owen, David; Sun Yat-sen; Tenzin Gyatso; Wang Jingwei
Topics aircraft; Anglo-Chinese relations; bonds; celebrations; chamber of commerce; Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang); civil war; communications; communism; concession; consulate; cotton; currency; customs; Dalai Lama; defence; embassy; exports; finances; financial aid; fish; forgery; Health; intelligence; invasion; Islam; judicial system; local administration; Minister of Foreign Affairs; missionaries; murder; mutiny; occupation; oil; opium; police; ports; press; production; radio; railways; rebellions; recognition; refugees; Royal Air Force; salt; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; strikes; taxation; tea; telegraphs; trade; treaties; United Nations; war; water; weapons
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