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Reference FO 371/24666
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Reports on situation and events in Sinkiang, Tashkurgan, Kashgar, Urumchi, Khotan, Chinese Turkestan, Yarkand. Supplies of war materials to China: Japanese demand for cessation of export of arms, etc. through Burma: Burma Road question: war materials for China via Hong Kong and Burma: closing of the Burma Road: medical and Red Cross supplies for China
Date 1940
Collection Foreign Office Files for China, 1938-1948
Countries China, Japan, Burma, Hong Kong
Places Australia; Beijing; Belgium; Burma; Canada; Chengdu; Chongqing; Czechoslovakia; Denmark; East Asia; France; Fujian; Fuzhou; Gansu; Germany; Hankou; Hong Kong; India; Italy; Japan; Jiangxi; Kashgar; Kunming; London; Malaya; Manchukuo; Moscow; Netherlands; Ningbo; Poland; Rangoon; Shanghai; Shantou; Singapore; South Africa; Soviet Union; Spain; Sweden; Tengyue; Thailand; Tianjin; Tibet; Tokyo; Turkestan; United Kingdom; United States; Ürümqi; Washington DC; Wuhan; Xinjiang; Yangtze River; Yili; Yunnan; Zhejiang; Zhenjiang
People Chiang Kai-shek; MacDonald, Malcolm; Sheng Shicai; Stalin, Joseph; Wang Jingwei
Topics aircraft; Anglo-Japanese relations; banks; blockade; bombing; bonds; boycotts; British firms; British nationals; Burma Road; business; Catholicism; celebrations; Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang); communications; communism; Communist Party; concession; consulate; cotton; currency; customs; debt; defence; deportation; embargo; embassy; evacuation; exports; flooding; foreign exchange; hospitals; intelligence; International Settlement; iron; judicial system; labour; mediation; mining; Minister of Foreign Affairs; missionaries; newspapers; occupation; oil; opium; People's Liberation Army; police; ports; post office; press; production; propaganda; radio; railways; rebellions; refugees; revolution; riots; Royal Air Force; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; steel; strikes; sugar; taxation; tea; telegraphs; trade; treaties; United Nations; war; water; weapons
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