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Reference FO 371/46194
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Reports on Assam tribal areas
Date 1945
Collection Foreign Office Files for China, 1938-1948
Countries India
Places Burma; Chamdo; Chongqing; Gansu; India; Lanzhou; Lhasa; London; Qinghai; Sichuan; Tibet; United Kingdom; United States; Yunnan; Zhenjiang
Topics agriculture; asylum; banks; communications; conference; cotton; culture; currency; customs; debt; defence; disease; drugs; education; emigration; epidemic; finances; financial aid; flooding; forgery; Health; immigration; inflation; intelligence; iron; kidnapping; labour; migration; murder; newspapers; North-East Frontier Agency; occupation; opium; People's Liberation Army; police; ports; poverty; press; railways; refugees; religion; riots; Royal Air Force; salt; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; smuggling; taxation; tea; telegraphs; tobacco; trade; treaties; United Nations; war; weapons; women
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