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Reference FO 671/437
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title China: General consular correspondence; propaganda; Shantung question; Anglo-Chinese news agency; American propaganda; anti-British activities; passports; registration; Iraq; non-treaty-power nationals; dual nationality
Notes This volume is tightly bound and so it has not been possible to scan every page with all its text visible.
Date 1917-1922
Collection Foreign Offices Files for China, 1919-1929
Region East Asia
Countries China, United Kingdom, Iraq
Places Andong; Australia; Beijing; Belgium; Canada; Changsha; Chengdu; Chongqing; Dalian; Denmark; France; Fuzhou; Germany; Guangzhou; Hangzhou; Hankou; Harbin; Hefei; Henan; Hong Kong; India; Iran; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Jiangxi; Jinan; Jiujiang; Kashgar; Kowloon; London; Macau; Malaya; Manchuria; Mukden; Nanjing; Netherlands; New Territories (Hong Kong); Ningbo; Qingdao; Shaanxi; Shandong; Shanghai; Shantou; Shanxi; Shenyang; Sichuan; Singapore; Spain; Taiwan; Taiwan Strait; Tengyue; Thailand; Tianjin; Tokyo; United Kingdom; United States; Vietnam; Washington DC; Wuhan; Wuhu; Wuzhou; Xiamen; Yantai; Yichang; Yingkou; Zhenjiang
People Aglen, Sir Francis; Alston, Sir Beilby; Curzon, George, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston; Freitas, Geoffrey de; Jordan, Sir John; Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor; Skinner Turner; Sun Yat-sen
Topics aircraft; Anglo-Japanese relations; banks; bonds; British firms; business; cession (of territory); chamber of commerce; China Inland Mission; Chinese Maritime Customs; Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang); civil disturbances; communications; concession; conference; consulate; cotton; customs; debt; defence; deportation; economy; education; exports; extraterritoriality; famine; financial aid; fish; flooding; forgery; French Mixed Court in Shanghai; hospitals; immigration; imperialist; investment; iron; Islam; judicial system; labour; League of Nations; migration; Minister of Foreign Affairs; minorities; mutiny; naturalisation; navigation; newspapers; North-East Frontier Agency; occupation; oil; Open Door policy; People's Liberation Army; police; ports; post office; press; production; propaganda; railways; recognition; revolution; riots; Royal Air Force; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; Shanghai Municipal Council; Shanghai Municipal Police; shipping; smuggling; strikes; taxation; tea; telegraphs; trade; treaties; United Nations; war; weapons; women
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