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Reference FO 671/505
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Chinese laws and regulations regarding foreigners: General correspondence (Folder 5)
Notes Please note that this document is tightly bound and that the reproduction of the pages is the best achievable.
Date 1935
Collection Foreign Office Files for China, 1930-1937
Region East Asia
Countries China
Places Anhui; Anshan; Beidaihe; Beijing; Canada; France; French Concession; Fujian; Guandong; Guangdong; Guangzhou; Hangzhou; Hankou; Hefei; Henan; Hong Kong; Hubei; Hunan; Italy; Japan; Jiangsu; Jiangxi; Jiujiang; Kwantung Leased Territory; London; Malaya; Manchuria; Mongolia; Nanchang; Nanjing; New Territories (Hong Kong); Ningbo; Shaanxi; Shandong; Shanghai; Shantou; Shanxi; Sichuan; Singapore; Thailand; Tianjin; Tibet; United Kingdom; United States; Washington DC; Wuhan; Yangtze River; Zhejiang; Zhenjiang
People Cadogan, Alexander; Sun Fo; Teichman, Eric; Wang Jingwei
Topics agriculture; aircraft; alcohol; banks; blockade; bonds; brigandage; British firms; British nationals; broadcasting; business; chamber of commerce; China Association; Chinese Maritime Customs; communications; communism; concession; conference; confiscation; consulate; cotton; culture; currency; customs; debt; defence; disease; drugs; economy; education; elections; electricity; embassy; emigration; exports; famine; finances; financial aid; fish; flooding; forgery; Health; hospitals; industry; International Settlement; investment; judicial system; kidnapping; labour; League of Nations; literature; martial law; migration; mining; Minister of Education; Minister of Finance; Minister of Foreign Affairs; Minister of Health; Minister of Industry; missionaries; navigation; newspapers; occupation; oil; Open Door policy; opium; Organic Law; People's Liberation Army; piracy; police; ports; post office; press; production; propaganda; radio; railways; recognition; religion; riots; Royal Air Force; salt; science; Secretary of State; Shanghai Municipal Council; shipping; smuggling; strikes; sugar; taxation; tea; telegraphs; trade; treaties; United Nations; war; water; weapons
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