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Reference PREM 11/3338
Department/Office Prime Minister's Office
Title PREM 11/3338
Description France, 1961. President de Gaulle's visit to Birch Grove, 26 November 1961. Discussions on EEC and Berlin. Views of Pierson Dixon and Zulueta. Memoranda on de Gaulle's attitudes. Europe, Germany, Commonwealth, NATO, Soviet Union, Laos
Date 1961
Collection Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963
Region Europe, North America, Asia Pacific
Countries United Kingdom, France, Germany, Laos, Soviet Union
Places Algeria; Australia; Berlin; Bermuda; Bonn; Ceylon; China; Cyprus; Europe; Finland; France; Geneva; Germany; Ghana; India; Kuala Lumpur; Laos; London; Malaya; New Zealand; Nigeria; Nyasaland; Pakistan; Paris; Rhodesia; Sierra Leone; Soviet Union; United Kingdom; USA; Washington
People Adenauer, Konrad; Brook, Norman; Carstens, Karl; Chauvel, M; Couve de Murville, Jacques Maurice; de Gaulle, Charles; Diefenbaker, John George; Dixon, Pierson; Erhard, Dr Ludwig; Harriman, Averill; Holyoake, Keith Jacka; Kennedy, John F; Khrushchev, Nikita; Lee, Frank; MacDonald, Malcolm; Macmillan, Harold; Menzies, Robert Gordon; Schroeder, Dr Gerhard; Shuckburgh, Evelyn; Soames, Christopher; Zulueta, Philip de
Topics Agriculture; Army; Assassination; Brussels Treaty; Building; Committee; Common Market; Commonwealth; Defence; Disarmament; European Community; Federation; Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland; Food; GATT; Health; IMF; Industry; IRA; NATO; Nuclear Tests; Nuclear Weapons; Oil; Press; Prices; Rent; Reunification; Security; Steel; Trade; Treaty of Rome; UN; Washington; Wheat
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